Please address all correspondence to the Chairperson
P. O.
Chairperson: Mr. JHG Maritz 062562422 / 0811270495
Secretary: Mrs. M Hartslief 0812239302
Treasurer: Mrs. SM Jarmann 0812945923
March 29, 2011
Dear Bowe and Jillard,
RE: Appreciation for First Aid training
I am writing to express our sincere appreciation for the training that you have given to the ECD project workers and for the donation of the 1st Aid boxes as well!
Both the TRUST and the projects highly appreciate your willingness and hard work. Your contribution will definitely help to make the lives of children in Gobabis better. We know that the results of your hard work will in future be seen in the lives of these children with whom the trained people work with.
However although we are really grateful for what you have already done, we would like to appeal to you for further assistance. Because there is still a great need amongst not only the ECD projects but also other projects like Sida-Sores, (a project that mainly working with disabled people) and Volunteers working with the elderly.
We ask therefore that you please consider coming back to Gobabis to give more training for the people involved in these projects.
Kindest regards
Suzie Jarmann